Inquiry Superhero


Compare / contrast Commander-in-Chief

1) Start with an inquiry question.

Example: How many different people groups live in Indonesia?

2) Look for credible information to answer your question.
Tip: Google > Advanced Search > Reading level > Basic

3) Find a website that answers most or some of your question.
Tip: Be sure to evaluate the credibility of the website. 

Examples (Which one is more credible or could you use both?):

4) Create an F / Q / R chart of the most important information.

  • Think of more inquiry questions.
  • Decide what text structure your information is in.

5) Select a graphic organizer.

6) Take notes in your graphic organizer.
Example: Compare / contrast 

Javanese Sundanese

Javanese Sundanese


7) Post in a blog post your:
A) Inquiry Question with the reason you are asking this question
B) Link to your information
C) Your organizer
D) Summary of your internet resource
E) Image credits 

Category: English 7
Tags: non-fiction, graphic organizer, text structure

8) If you have time, create a superhero with your picture on it and give it a name. You have just
A) Annotated a text!
B) Determined the importance of the information
C) Prepared for non-fiction writing of your own!

Whew!! That was hard work!

Example: Compare / Contrast Commander-in-Chief


About jaclynfre

Recipe adventurer, fast walker, sporadic writer, aunt, sister and daughter
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